Young man in market smiling while serving

Do You Want To Sell Or Be Sold?

It’s a shame to put it so bluntly, but there’s some truth to it. Life as we know is a bit of a sales pitch, whether you’re looking for a new job, searching for a partner or making new friends.

You sell your personality and best attributes in order to get that first date lined up, exchange numbers with those new-found friends or land a brand-new job role. Sometimes we could even say we unintentionally sell ourselves for the wrong reasons. We may seek attention or give false narratives. 

The sold part is where you are taken advantage of because you don’t see your value or true earning potential.

A great way to leverage your skills and personality in order to increase your earning power is to put yourself at the forefront of your industry. Build a personal brand.

I’m sure you’ve seen many respected career people leverage their jobs and build personal brands. Examples such as ‘The Singing Dentist’ whose singing content went viral and skyrocketed his dental business and earnings.

Gordon Ramsay became one of the world’s most influential chefs with shows like Hell’s Kitchen and The F-Word. He rose to fame from a miniseries shot back in 1999. He could’ve settled in as a regular chef with a single restaurant in the UK. I know these are extreme examples compared to the average person.

A personal brand can open so many doors in your career or business. It builds credibility and control of your name and image offline and online in the digital world we now live in.

Many of us wait around to get noticed in business or struggle for a promotion and pay rise at work. I say take ownership of your destiny and let the world know who you are in your own words and actions by building a personal brand.

A thought leader has a positive reputation for helping others with their knowledge and insights in a particular topic or industry. This is a way to contribute to relevant discussions and collaborate with other experts. You’d be essentially selling your professionalism to secure future partnerships, business, or brand deals.

Becoming a thought leader is a lifelong process of educating yourself, building an audience, coming up with unique ideas and fearlessly sharing them time and again.