Sheer hard work won’t get you rich

As a person you are limited in the amount of working hours you can stack, not to mention life gets in the way with things like sickness, tiredness, mental health and personal issues.

Physically working your way to success might be an initial idea but it’s not ideal as a long term plan for wealth building into an old age.

Hard work may earn you an income, regardless how modest it may be, it’s what you do with it that makes the difference.

“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.” quoted Warren Buffett.

It’s no longer about the everyday hard graft. It’s now about brains and thinking of solutions to use your time wisely to generate an income around the clock.

The future is now, and you can see the vast changes in technology, machines and AI are automating jobs. It won’t slow down. Have you looked around your local supermarket lately? There are more self-check-out machines than staff at the tills.

The main difference between the average man and the wealthy man is that while one is working hard, the other is also thinking hard about how to best leverage his resources.

I would strongly suggest that everyone takes a moment to review their skills and relevance in the jobs they work.

Even if you run your own business, how could you innovate or stay relevant in the marketplace you serve?

Sure, there are jobs that tech won’t touch for many years, but you can’t build wealth or financial security with just two hands and your limited time.

Make your money work as hard as you do, better yet work even harder than you do.

A point to take away is your job shouldn’t be your hardest work. Self-development and investing in your knowledge is also very important.

I’ve always said the purpose of money beyond survival is to build financial freedom for yourself and for those you love.

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