A Bearded Man in a Corporate Attire Looking at His Watch while Holding a Sandwich

Your Time Is Money, Spend It Wisely

Time is a precious resource, and how we use it can significantly impact our financial well-being. When we approach our daily activities with intention, we not only enhance our productivity but also save money. 

Use your time with the intention it’s equal to saving money. Time should be spent prudently, especially when it comes to earning money. If this time is wasted, then all perceived opportunities to make money are lost. How often do you find yourself procrastinating on tasks that you know will make a difference in your life? Personally, I can account for many years I wasted not using my time wisely to increase my earning potential within a job and with opportunities to build a business.

Ten years from now, where do you want to be financially? Break it down even further and note what should be achieved within five years, one year, 6 months and 1 month. Defining these goals creates a roadmap for purposeful living. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to look back in regret at missed opportunities to reach your goals because you wasted time.  

We live in a world where your time and your money are literally fought for by advertisers 24/7. This is especially true when it comes to social media. They’ve worked out that your attention, which accounts as your time, can be swayed in exchange for products or services. The majority of these products and services are a waste of time if they don’t serve the purpose of growth in your life.

This could be your family or friends and it doesn’t always directly translate into making money. Time with loved ones is an opportunity to catch up especially if children are involved. They say your children won’t remember the money you spent on them with gifts and toys but the time they experienced things with you.

This film beautifully captures the concept of time as currency (money) it’s set in the year 2169, a time when people stopped ageing at 25 years old. But one year after their 25th birthday they die if they can’t add credit to the time remaining on their lifespan. The people work regular jobs and are paid in time rather than money and they also spend time than money to pay for their bills. I believe we already live like this minus the urgency of death as a result of not working.

I’d say even the wealthiest person on earth would always choose time over money. How much would you pay to go back 10 years or pause the next 10 years? Time is all we have, and the trick is to use that time to experience life in the best quality.

This is what we call financial freedom—having options to choose how you earn your money without chasing your tail maintaining bills or trying to put food on your table.  When we break free from the time-for-money cycle, we open doors to creativity, fulfilment, and exponential growth. The most rewarding result of time-money freedom is the ability to help others escape the same trap.